Victoria Hudson EmpowerHER female gym Barnsley


Head coach, Victoria Hudson, isn’t just a qualified personal trainer.

She’s a health, fitness and nutrition coach and former Royal Navy personnel whose priority is ensure all of her female personal training clients have a healthier relationship with food, mind, and body.

(And she’s a badass with a barbell!)


Katie Roome

Katie first started her fitness journey to lose weight, as her weight was affecting her confidence, and her health too.

Over the course of 2 years Katie lost 3 stone and found that by looking after her health this even alleviated her PCOS symptoms (polycystic ovaries)

Through changing her health, Katie was able to fall pregnant.

Katie trained throughout her pregnancy and knows this had a massive effect on her physical and mental health helping her pregnancy feel easier, including her recovery afterward.

She has since trained to be a personal trainer, loves teaching ladies how to effectively and safely learn how to lift weights and transform how they feel not just physically but mentally too.